Your Medical Coordinators: Gentlebear and Jasen

Greetings to One-and-All, Gentlebear here. I am your first-aid coordinator for BTW.

I have attended many BTW’s – missing but a few (last miss I was determined to still be there but cardiac by-pass surgery won out: now that I look back — What Was I Thinking?) I have been on Pagan/Eclectic path-journey since 1996 having first attended Pagan Spirit Gathering . Within the Rainbow gathering of Pagan Spirit Gathering – Between the Worlds idea came into being and was born. Has been awesome to see something progress from just being an idea blossoming into what it is today. I have indeed been blessed to be witness to both its birth and growth and to be an active participant in our gathering.

In profession – I am a licensed Registered Nurse both in Ohio and Indiana; practicing since 1988. A really long time. (Dang didn’t realize it has been that long).

Reiki Master as of 2005.

I am a bear – part of the Bear Clan at Between The Worlds — and I give hugs all the time. (Hugs — yeah that’s what we’ll call it).. (Leave me alone – I KNOW what you guys just thought).

I also facilitate a work-shop: Butt Murals … much fun!!

In the realm of healing note- as you process through the gates to the gathering– Healing has already begun. Be it a returning brother – or a first-time attendee, it is a healing that envelopes you regardless of your belief structure and begins to balance you on all levels. (Sometimes the balancing act of the Lord and Lady are significant – and that is what myself and the counselors are all about). We are there to assist you in having a fun, safe and healing adventure to empower you.

Rest assured – throughout the week you will be hugged and I endeavor to most always say hello in passing.

Welcome Home

Jasen began attending BTW thank to John and Rus in 2011, and due to circumstances, was asked in his first year to take a role

as medical coordinator. He drank the kool-aid and hasn’t looked back since then.

J is a Registered Nurse with experience in emergency care, critical, education, wound care and management, as well as a degree in biology.

Mau Khet follows an Egyptian pantheon path, and spiritually has strengths in elemental work, spell crafting, craft magic and tends to be a deity magnet. He attends BTW with his BFF and mentor, and considers the BTW brothers his big, incestuous Pagan family.

J is originally from Upstate New York, but after BTW 2013, moved to Reno, Nevada with his partner Sam (workshift coordinator). He and Sam are polyamorous and got handfasted at BTW 2014, and recently mundania married. Together they enjoy trickster energy, causing chaos and their two cats Sabin and Ragnarok.

BTW Countdown: 125 days!