Tag: 2016
Auction Tent update for BtW 2016
Hello everyone! I’m Joe Berlik, One of your Auction Tent Coordinators this year. My partner in crime co-coordinator is James Vacca! We’ve got a lot going on so, I’ll dive right in! The Between the Worlds Auction Tent is where you can find all kinds of amazing items for sale, …
Máni – 2016
For Between the Worlds 2016, our patron was Máni. In Norse and Germanic lore, Máni, the “Man in the Moon”, is tasked with the movement of the moon across the sky, its transition and phases set forth to mark cycles and the passage of time. A guide and protector and …
Dragon Ritual Drummers – Entertainment 2016
The Dragon Ritual Drummers celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2010. The six-man band is renowned for their intense, creative, and powerful performances that have made them the world’s number one tribal drum troupe. We are honored to have them as musical guests at Between the Worlds 2011. You can find …
Orion Foxwood – Keynote 2016
Orion Foxwood is a traditional witch, conjure-man and faery seer; and, the author of “The Faery Teachings” (RJ Stewart Books), “The Tree of Enchantment”, “The Candle and the Crossroads” and “The Flame in the Cauldron” (Weiser Books). He was born with the veil (the second sight) in the Shenandoah Valley …