Pan – 2011
For Between the Worlds 2011, our patron god was Pan, the goat-horned Greek god of pastures, fields, and woodlands. Patron of nymphs and satyrs, wild and merry piper whose music and shouts of delight shall echo through the fields.
For Between the Worlds 2011, our patron god was Pan, the goat-horned Greek god of pastures, fields, and woodlands. Patron of nymphs and satyrs, wild and merry piper whose music and shouts of delight shall echo through the fields.
Scott Free, queer-rock singer/songwriter extraordinaire, is one of America’s leading openly-gay male artists. His sometimes humerous, sometimes angry, always touching songs of queer life have gained him acclaim in both gay and straight media around the world. He is the host and curator of the bimonthly “Homolatte” in Chicago, the …
The Dragon Ritual Drummers celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2010. The six-man band is renowned for their intense, creative, and powerful performances that have made them the world’s number one tribal drum troupe. We are honored to have them as musical guests at Between the Worlds 2011. You can find …
Justin Crockett Elzie is a self-described Renaissance Man: both a writer and actor in New York City. He served fourteen years in the Marine Corps, four of those openly gay. His first book, Playing By the Rules, about his experiences as a gay Marine, was published in November 2010. He continues …