Drake Spaeth, PsyD (aka SilverDrake Fey) is a clinical psychologist, shamanic practitioner, and writer. As a former active-duty Air Force officer, he also serves as Circle Sanctuary’s military members support minister. He has served as a consultant for the Armed Forces about issues pertinent to Paganism and engaged in interfaith dialogue work with military chaplains of different religious traditions. In addition to conventional training as a psychologist, he has also received training from Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies and regularly performs soul retrieval work and other types of shamanic healing. He has been trained by Dr. Erika Fromm in hypnotherapy and Dr. Brian Weiss in past-life regression techniques. He has led many pathworkings, inner journeys, and visualizations centering around Celtic and Teutonic archetypal imagery. He has presented training workshops in divination, counseling techniques, crisis intervention, and the role of spiritual crisis in mental illness. For the past nine years, he has helped to coordinate Psyche’s Grotto, a center for peer counseling and grounding/centering at the annual Pagan Spirit Gathering. His interests include analytical (Jungian) psychology, Celtic and Faery shamanism, Taoism, Kundalini Yoga, and the Western Mystery Tradition. Dr. Spaeth is the founder of Hermetic Journeys, an organization dedicated to masculine spiritual issues and spiritual growth. A frequent contributor to Circle Magazine, he is currently working on a book series presenting Jungian and shamanic perspectives on mental illness, derived from several ideas presented in his doctoral dissertation.