Orion Foxwood is a traditional witch, conjure-man and faery seer; and, the author of “The Faery Teachings” (RJ Stewart Books), “The Tree of Enchantment”, “The Candle and the Crossroads” and “The Flame in the Cauldron” (Weiser Books). He was born with the veil (the second sight) in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where he was first exposed to faith-
healing, root-doctoring, faery lore and the second-sight practices of southern and Appalachian culture; and he has continued learning and teaching these spirit-doctoring practices in workshops, intensives and lectures across America and other countries. He is the founder, and primary instructor, in the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute, where he teaches a multi-year teaching program in the “Tree of Enchantment” lore, practices,
traditions and skills. He is a co-founder of Conjure Crossroads (CC), which is a collaboration between five (5) seasoned root-workers and witches focused on preserving and promoting the healing and helping benefits of southern root-work, witchcraft and other folk traditions. CC hosts the annual Folk Magic Festival in New Orleans. He is also a co-founder of Conjure-Craft along with Susan Diamond, which hosts an annual “Meeting of Magical Minds” conference in Santa Cruz, CA and he is a co-founder of the “Witches in the Woods” gathering also in Santa Cruz. He is the Founding Elder of Foxwood Temple, a coven dedicated to passing on the traditional witchcraft of his elders. He holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services.
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Orion Foxwood