Inari – 2021

Due to the cancellation of Between the Worlds 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Between the Worlds 2021 will honor Inari, the shinto deity of foxes, rice, tea, sake, agriculture, general prosperity, worldly success, blacksmiths and fertility. Inari is widely known through modern Japan as a primary Kami (spirit) for …

Inari – 2020

Between the Worlds 2020 honors Inari, the shinto deity of foxes, rice, tea, sake, agriculture, general prosperity, worldly success, blacksmiths and fertility. Inari is widely known through modern Japan as a primary Kami (spirit) for households to pay worship too. Often seen as either male, or female, Inari definitely blurs …

Veles – 2018

For Between the Worlds 2018, our patron is Veles. Also called Volos and Weles, Veles is the Slavic god of the underworld, the waters, animals, and the forests. As the keeper of the realm of the dead, Veles is a walker between the worlds of the living and the dead who …

Agni – 2017

For Between the Worlds 2017, our patron was Agni. God of fire in the Vedic and Hindu traditions, Agni is fire in all its forms from the domestic hearth to the lightning in the sky, to the fire in our bellies. As the sacrificial fire, Agni bears the offerings of …

Máni – 2016

For Between the Worlds 2016, our patron was Máni. In Norse and Germanic lore, Máni, the “Man in the Moon”, is tasked with the movement of the moon across the sky, its transition and phases set forth to mark cycles and the passage of time. A guide and protector and …

Apollo – 2015

For Between the Worlds 2015, our patron was Apollo. One of the Olympians of Greece, Apollo enjoyed a wide area of influence, including much of the Mediterranean, presiding over truth and light, healing, and archery, to name only a few. His oracle at Delphi supplied the peoples of Greece and …